Unable to drag ourself out of the warm cosy blanket in the cold weather, we skipped the idea of watching sunrise at the tea plantation. Had a quick breakfast at one of the shop in Tanah Rata town. The roti canai was cold, bland and rubbery, the kuah wasn't any better. Never imagined roti canai can taste this bad. Headed off to Boh Tea Centre hoping to get a better breakfast only to find another disapointment..... It's closed on Mondays! Oh well, life's got it's ups and downs. We moved on to the next destination on our itinerary, also the highlight of this trip....the.....MOSSY FOREST!!
After a wrong branch off, the already winding road took a 45% steep up and the road condition got bad to worse. With holes here and there and tar broken off revealing the soil below, we knew we must be on the wrong track. Heading back to the way we came, we noticed there was a branch to our right with a Strawberry Farm signboard. Since it was the only junction along they way we figured it must be the right path and after 10-15 minutes of driving we reached the mossy forest. See below on how to get there.
How to get to Mossy Forest:
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2010 Oct 31 - 1 Nov
Being a lover of succulents and plants, strawberries and steamboat, I have all the reasons to go to Cameron Highlands. :) So, on an October weekend J and I had a short getaway to Cameron.
Lata Iskandar waterfall http://www.waterfallsofmalaysia.com/27iskandar.php
We stopped by Lata Iskandar Waterfall on our way from Tapah to Cameron Highlands. Once you spotted stalls on the roadside, pay attention to your left. You'll be able to see a signboard and the waterfall, it's impossible to overlook. This is a good place to stop by and unwind from your journey. Further up the waterfall, there's staircase leading to the second cascade where you can get "up close and personal" with the waterfall. It's so close that you can feel the splashes from the waterfall on your face. Apparently this is not all, after the trip, I got to know there's another mini waterfall nearby with a natural pool to swim in. AWWWWW, missed that!~ till the next trip then. * A word of caution if you're going up the second cascade. The rocks are slippery with mosses, so DO be careful and watch your steps.
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11 September 2010
Had a short trip to Melaka, just to look at how things change since Uni and checkout some of the "HOT" spots.
First stop was Limau Limau Cafe. It's pretty secluded. The cafe's decor is unique and had a vintage feel to it. (I just can't resist places with these kind of atmosphere!! *_*)
*love this white antique chair
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一个病恹恹的星期日早上, 眼看就要让我窝在床上虚度了,小J 提议到邻近的怡保去逛逛 Kellie's Castle 转换心情, 顺便把两个闲在家里的妹妹也一起带去。
对古堡没有太大兴趣, 一路上倒是想好了要吃的东西, 盐焗鸡, 沙河粉, 芽菜鸡和豆花。抱着野餐的心情买了盐焗鸡去参观 Kellie's Castle。 城堡前隔着一条河, 让我联想到古老的城堡,喷火的恐龙, 浮想连篇。
Kellie's Castle 的兴建在我听来是个悲伤的故事。 堡主 William Kellie Smith 对这座城堡有很大的期待,很多别出心裁的构思 (马来亚第一个升降梯,室内网球场,天台庭院等等), 为了实现这些, Kellie 砸下重资, 却在建筑过程中遇到很多波折, 续工人们染上 Spain Flu 纷纷倒下后, Kellie 也在一次旅途中染上肺炎逝世, 他的心血最终没能完成。 走在这个百年历史的建筑物里, 看着百年前留下的建筑材料, 心里怅怅的, 有种物是人非的惆怅。离开前听 J 说起这里还有条秘密隧道, 好奇心立刻点燃, 说什么都非要去看一下不可。 从走道进入地下室酒窟, 慢慢被黑暗吞噬, 周围凉凉的,透着霉味, 手机的微弱光线只照出小小的范围,心在每个转角都绷得好紧, 好怕会看见什么。 仿佛过了好久, 终于在小小的空间里找到了曾经是秘密隧道的入口, 如今已被封了起来。看着封口, 我心里还在交战着(又可惜又松口气), 同行的3人已经立刻任务达成样往回走, 留我断后, 我也只好急忙赶上。(等等我!走最后很可怕啦!>O<)
后来上网得知这条是通往印度神庙的隧道, 忍不住又觉得没能走看看很可惜。(这个印度神庙在 Kellie's Castle 故事里有重要角色的哦, 详情请看 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellie's_Castle)
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Bored of the day to day working life, I decided to give myself a thrill to feel ALIVE again! Along with 2 other "fun seeking" members, we went for the extreme challenge at SkyTrex last weekend. After equipted with protective equiptments, there's an initiation circuit where we learn how to use the equiptments and had a mini practice session. Then, off to the real track ...
* The skytrex challengers :D...waiting to climb up the first station. This photo was taken by SkyTrex photographer and posted to their FB account "SkyTrex adventure" (nowadays everybody also got FB)
We waited at the queue to climb up a hanging ladder to reach the first station. It was such a loong wait that our anxiety worn off, but as soon as it's our turn, I got all nervous again. :p The ladder climbing is definitely the hardest and scariest part (if you don't have the stamina. like me T_T) 1/3 up the ladder my hands were soooo sore from holding on to the ladder it's all wobbly, 1/2 way up the ladder I was stopping every few steps to regain my breath and to give my hands a break.
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自从在朋友照片中看到 Langkawi 的 Sky Bridge 之后, 就一直想要去亲身体验一下。
这次得知小J 的武术朋友聚会在Langkawi 举行, 我也就厚脸皮的跟去了。
Check in 后, 第一站就是让我好奇很久的缆车和 Sky Bridge。
缆车真的....很高. 而且很....慢。 对畏高的我简直是折磨。 (强烈建议"携带"有趣的朋友转移注意力 :p)
走在 Sky Bridge 上非常平稳, 几乎忘了它其实是座吊桥。 气候凉凉的, 俯瞰整个岛, 是个不错的体验。
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对这次太平湖之游印象深刻。 全因一场雨。
随处走走, 瞄到湖面远处一片磷光...于是驻足想看明白...
拉了小J 跟我一起猜是什么。 两人看得入神, 在意识到时光点好靠近了, 闻到似曾相识的味道。 是雨!!
无奈小J 身上有相机, 两人像被追杀样狂奔, 边跑边看哪儿有避雨的地方。
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