目前分類:Diary (2)

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Woke up today just like any ordinary day, preparing to go to work.

Sis is having driving exam today, so we talked abit outside our front door.

Suddenly the next door uncle appear out of nowhere and started cursing at us. It's just like in the drama, cursing, yelling with exagerated hand gesture and even "invited" us to a fight. He was so convinced that we purposely make noises late last night to "cari pasal" with them.....which is very imaginative because it's not like we even have any arguments or reason to hold grudge against them.

After rounds of "heated" discussion i got bored of the repetitive argument and leave my sis to it since i still NEED TO WORK.

What a drama to jump start my day....

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自几个月前摔楼梯, 人生中第一次包石膏后, 就大小病不断...

开工不到半年, 20天病假全拿光, 加今天的病假还超支1天。这又是我人生中的第一次“创举” (对! 现在发着烧,流着鼻涕写部落格)


- 摔楼梯打石膏

- 第二次生水痘 (小时候明明出过了 T_T) 。 因为这次事件错过了一个很好朋友的婚礼, 很遗憾。 还答应了作姐妹团的。再次对不起 (-_-")

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